Autocity is our latest installation by Action Space artists Patrick Moses. The work represents the constant movement, rhythms of colour and sound in Patrick’s life. Using handwritten text, he describes his thoughts and events taken from his day to day experiences of travelling in London and his interests in music, films, video games, cartoons, food and family life.
The continuous 20 metre length of fabric is hung in a way that allows viewers eyes to move around the work within the space. Each viewer can experience the piece in a very personal way.

About the artist
Patrick Moses is an ActionSpace studio artist. Patrick’s artwork is based on words, sound and colour. The words and sentences represent his thoughts, feelings and influences and allow Patrick to express and share how he views and interacts with the world. He uses words as aesthetic objects, organising their phonetic and visual shapes to create textural compositions. His work presents a physical side of language often overlooked, treating the curves and corners in letters like brush strokes rather than just tools of communication.